I'm not beautiful like you, I'm beautiful like me!!!!!!! :)
I just had a bottle of peppermint extract in my pocket. And it leaked. This is me, pumped.
Peppermint extract, yeah, for the peppermint beetle activity. You smear the extract on trees and make the kids go around and look for the peppermint beetle by sniffin trees. What!?!!? It's educational.....
Kids rule.
So today, us girls were doing some oh-so-awesome-office-work and so were entertainin ourselves by talking. That's unusual, right? We started talkin about body image and how back in high school looks were everything to a lot of people. And we talked about how obsessed we were about the silliest things dealing with our looks (I once went eye-lashless because my wrist twitched while curling my eyelashes. I guess I didn't learn my lesson because I still curl them. The women in my family got screwed when it comes to eyelashes, leave me alone about that). And now, in our mid-twenties, we're slowing starting to accept ourselves. And we're realizing how much time and effort we wasted on obsessing over shit we just can't change. And most of the stuff we were worried about is what makes us us, and that we shouldn't want to change them. And that, in the end, to steal from a late and great fella, everything's gonna be alrite.
On the walk up for lunch, I had an epiphany. They seldom come so it was an exciting moment. Yep. Few and far between. Joyous occassion. Great fun. Anyway, most of us girls here have some sort of guy issue. They all pretty much boil down to the same thing--we just don't understand guys and why they act the way they do. And I've spent countless hours listening and talking about relationships with most of the girls here. And today I realized one of those God-awful things from the SAT: Body image crisis is to teenage years as Love life crisis is to the twenties.
So forget about Blake Shelton not being the future Mr. Nevena. Forget about Josh Holloway being married. Single-ness, raise your ugly head and blow a loogey on me. I can take it. I've gotten to where I like the way I look and, by God, I like the way I am. Some day, a guy's gonna feel the same way about me. And until that day comes, there's always re-runs of Lost to comfort myself with. And chocolate. And friends. And cheese. And burping. And winning spitting contests. And onions. And a new-found-love of cottage cheese. And movies. And birds. And hikes along the AT. And pooping. And manicures. And country music. And books. And family. And Mexican food. And beer. And Georgia Football. And dancing. And fishing. And running. And..........you fill in the rest.
Peppermint extract, yeah, for the peppermint beetle activity. You smear the extract on trees and make the kids go around and look for the peppermint beetle by sniffin trees. What!?!!? It's educational.....
Kids rule.
So today, us girls were doing some oh-so-awesome-office-work and so were entertainin ourselves by talking. That's unusual, right? We started talkin about body image and how back in high school looks were everything to a lot of people. And we talked about how obsessed we were about the silliest things dealing with our looks (I once went eye-lashless because my wrist twitched while curling my eyelashes. I guess I didn't learn my lesson because I still curl them. The women in my family got screwed when it comes to eyelashes, leave me alone about that). And now, in our mid-twenties, we're slowing starting to accept ourselves. And we're realizing how much time and effort we wasted on obsessing over shit we just can't change. And most of the stuff we were worried about is what makes us us, and that we shouldn't want to change them. And that, in the end, to steal from a late and great fella, everything's gonna be alrite.
On the walk up for lunch, I had an epiphany. They seldom come so it was an exciting moment. Yep. Few and far between. Joyous occassion. Great fun. Anyway, most of us girls here have some sort of guy issue. They all pretty much boil down to the same thing--we just don't understand guys and why they act the way they do. And I've spent countless hours listening and talking about relationships with most of the girls here. And today I realized one of those God-awful things from the SAT: Body image crisis is to teenage years as Love life crisis is to the twenties.
So forget about Blake Shelton not being the future Mr. Nevena. Forget about Josh Holloway being married. Single-ness, raise your ugly head and blow a loogey on me. I can take it. I've gotten to where I like the way I look and, by God, I like the way I am. Some day, a guy's gonna feel the same way about me. And until that day comes, there's always re-runs of Lost to comfort myself with. And chocolate. And friends. And cheese. And burping. And winning spitting contests. And onions. And a new-found-love of cottage cheese. And movies. And birds. And hikes along the AT. And pooping. And manicures. And country music. And books. And family. And Mexican food. And beer. And Georgia Football. And dancing. And fishing. And running. And..........you fill in the rest.
At March 6, 2007 at 6:42 PM ,
jelena said...
not only have you had epiphanies that are great, but you also had a very carrie bradshaw moment in your post:
"And today I realized one of those God-awful things from the SAT: Body image crisis is to teenage years as Love life crisis is to the twenties."
good job lil' sister...
At March 9, 2007 at 6:20 PM ,
Nev said...
Thank you very much, ma'm.
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