Waiting for the splat
So now that 'we're on,' I have a problem: my mom. She's your typical mom who worries. But I'm afraid that State, as well as National Parks, will be called when she finds out about PROJECT ESCAPADE. The shit will hit the fan. Any advice?
At March 29, 2007 at 9:07 AM ,
yosh said...
This is really my advice:
How old are you again??
There's your position. You're an adult. You get to decide what you do and when.
When I was 20, I called my parents and casually mentioned that some of my friends and I found a great deal to go to Germany for a week over new year's. This was 2001, and we all know what happened that year. My mom called me the next day and said "I don't think we're going to let you go." I laughed into to phone. I told her that since it was my money, I could do whatever I wanted. I didn't realize my dad was on the phone. He chimed it "I guess he has a point. Have fun on your trip." You're an adult. They don't get to tell you what to do anymore.
At March 29, 2007 at 5:09 PM ,
Nev said...
Yeah, I smell what you're saying. I'm pickin up what you're puttin down. It's not that I'm scared of what she'll say. It's that I'd like to ease her fears.
Wow, you're old. Haha, ok no you're not.
At March 30, 2007 at 8:59 AM ,
yosh said...
I just turned 26. Not old, but getting there.
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