Georgia Girl

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Some people say, "Climb Naked."

I say, 'Climb Naked, Belay Drunk.'

My boss isn't a big fan of my motto.

Jelena just called and told me about some naked man on the side of the interstate...."Holy shrivled testiciles, Batman" were her exact words. In the words of the villan who dies in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, "Oh, what a world, what a world......."

Who's excited about Easter? Conejito fofo no quiero verte conejindo los ratoncitos, golpeandoles en las cabesas.......or somethin. Yeah, I sing little bunny fofo in Spanish. Back off, bitches. Anyway, Easter weekend. Always fun. Last Easter I was invited to a farmer's house in North Dakota for dinner. It's a nice memory from that nether-region.

So you remember how I'm bad at answerin the phones inappropriately? Well, today, while drinkin a beer (ok, like 45 mintues ago), the phone rang and I said, "Budweiser is the King of Beers." The lady responded by asking for Mandy Blank. She didn't skip a beat. Just asked. I'm hoping she thinks Mandy works in a bar right now. All I can say is queers rhymes with beers and I didn't go there. I wouldn't have meant it in a deragatory way, just to clear that up.

Mandy's twin is in town. Yep, craziness is happenin at the ROCK. And that's all folks.


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