Georgia Girl

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm not the only one who gets on the computer late at night drunk...

Josh randomly gets packages in the mail and he doesn't know what's in them. See, he gets drunk and bids on stuff on ebay. And then forgets about it. He also sends's an exert on one where he's talking about the AT:

On a serious note, i'm a little concerned about eating...i can't loose weight. Therefore, I would like to live off bacon. It probably has enough salt in it to preserve it for long periods. If bacon is wrong, i don't want to be right. I could write a book entitled "Bacon, the Great American Survival Story". What do you think? I could change the title if you think its not sexy enough. .

I'm still concerned about skiping the great state of new hampshire. So, here are some reasons not to skip the state. Your welcome to rebuke these reasons but it will be difficult:

1. This is the only state with two names that we will pass through with over 100 miles of trails.

2. Bob, from the movie that should have won multiple golden globes ("what about bob") , spend time in new hampshire.

3. We'll probably clear Pennsylvannia by July and we'll be wishing we had not skipped a state.

4. Nobody from alabama has evver made it through new hampshire...this fact has not been substantiated.

5. I heard from my neighbor's cousin's sister's brother that you can find gold in new hampshire.

6. An independent study group showed that the air over new hampshire is made up of gases that enable you to stay awake 20 hours a day

7. I dated a girl in high school who had a brother named "hamp" and i think its a very clear sign that we should not skip a state that has the letters "hamp" in the offical name.

8. The girl i dated was named Leslie and i'm pretty darn sure she liked the state of new hampshire.

9. I don't think my enormous ego could handle being laughed at by other hikers or your mom...who will be sure to heckle us for skipping NH.

10. Their nickname is the granite state. Where else are we going to see granite?

11. Do you know what the captial is? I sure don't. How else are we going to learn state capitals without spending extensive time in the state?


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