Georgia Girl

Friday, February 2, 2007

Butters ate Harry Cooter's Tail

There's a species of turtle called the Eastern River Cooter. Go ahead. Laugh. You know you want to. I do. Anyway, we have one here at the Rock that we use when we teach Herpetology (the study of reptiles and amphibians). So a few years back they had a naming contest for the Eastern River Cooter. And some really smart person decided to call it Harry. And on the side his bucket that you bring in the classroom it says "Harry Cooter."

We're going through staff training right now. Basically, somebody is teaching us all the classes we teach the kids when they come. Fun, I know. The other day we were doing herpetology. And somebody noticed that Harry's tail was missing some flesh and asked what happened. "Butters ate Harry Cooter's tail." (Butters is a yellow-bellied pond slider)


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