Nobody puts Baby in the corner
For Christmas last year, my mom gave me the Sex and the City inspired book, He's Just Not That Into You. At that point, I was happily in a relationship so I was slightly offended but tried not to let it show. I blew the dust off the cover a few months ago during a time of need. It was blunt and straight up, so I loved it. Those of you who are quick to jump to conclusions (first, get a jump to conclusions mat and then) understand that I believe women are just as capable as men, think they should do whatever men can do (well, except be in direct combat...but that's a controversy for another GI Jane to get my point of view on that), and should get paid equally if not better than men. Ok, now that that's out of the way. Back to the book. The whole gist of the book is that if a man really wants something, he'll try to get it. A man doesn't "not come up and book the next date" (Sex and the City episode) if he's really into you, and it doesn't matter if he has an early meeting the next morning. If you meet a guy at a bar, and you really like him and he doesn't ask for your number, he's just not that into you. Don't bother giving him your number because if he wants it, he'll ask. If he doesn't ask, he doesn't want it. Apparently the poor Manhattan-quartet wasted 20 years of dating by analyzing mixed-messages. And the truth was, whatever shmuck they were agonzingly, painstaking analyzing just weren't that into them. Simple as that. Where I am going with this?
Last night, we went Salsa dancing. I've always wanted to go and finally went. And it was a blast. The first hour or so was a lesson. Me and my friends only brought 2 boys with us so I started dancing with Megan (that may actually be a good way to get guys at a bar to talk to you but not the kind of guys I would ever be interested in). But we were just learning the basics, so it was no big deal. They finally opened up the floor after the lesson was over. I was once-again dancing with Megan because 1) I don't give a shit about meeting a guy at a bar 2) We were trying to practice the moves 3) She's hot. And some nice fella walked up and asked if one of us wanted to dance. Megan said no, so I said ok. It takes balls to walk up to a girl at a bar if you're not drunk. He was a nice guy. But unsure of himself on the dance floor. It made my dancing stutter a little bit. We had fun. And then I danced with one of the guys we brought. And he just went with it. We just danced to the music (don't get that song stuck in your head now). We didn't try to figure out all the steps they had taught us during the lesson. We just danced. I had no problem letting him lead. And I quit laughing like I had with the other guy. And I actually felt like I was dancing pretty good.
On the drive back, I thought about it. The first guy, who I had a good time with but didn't really get into it that much, was nervous and not sure of his footing but did the steps we learned during the lesson. The second guy embellished the steps a little, just went with it, and I had a blast. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and did it, even if he wasn't exactly sure of the steps. I know the whole 'dancing is like a relationship' metaphor has been made a million times, but it was different actually experiencing it.
Last night, we went Salsa dancing. I've always wanted to go and finally went. And it was a blast. The first hour or so was a lesson. Me and my friends only brought 2 boys with us so I started dancing with Megan (that may actually be a good way to get guys at a bar to talk to you but not the kind of guys I would ever be interested in). But we were just learning the basics, so it was no big deal. They finally opened up the floor after the lesson was over. I was once-again dancing with Megan because 1) I don't give a shit about meeting a guy at a bar 2) We were trying to practice the moves 3) She's hot. And some nice fella walked up and asked if one of us wanted to dance. Megan said no, so I said ok. It takes balls to walk up to a girl at a bar if you're not drunk. He was a nice guy. But unsure of himself on the dance floor. It made my dancing stutter a little bit. We had fun. And then I danced with one of the guys we brought. And he just went with it. We just danced to the music (don't get that song stuck in your head now). We didn't try to figure out all the steps they had taught us during the lesson. We just danced. I had no problem letting him lead. And I quit laughing like I had with the other guy. And I actually felt like I was dancing pretty good.
On the drive back, I thought about it. The first guy, who I had a good time with but didn't really get into it that much, was nervous and not sure of his footing but did the steps we learned during the lesson. The second guy embellished the steps a little, just went with it, and I had a blast. He knew exactly what he wanted to do and did it, even if he wasn't exactly sure of the steps. I know the whole 'dancing is like a relationship' metaphor has been made a million times, but it was different actually experiencing it.
At February 1, 2007 at 9:51 AM ,
yosh said...
So are you saying the second guy is into you? Or maybe the first guy was into you, but couldn't show it because he was nervous.
Speaking of songs stuck in your head, I've had that god-awful Ronnie Adkins song "Watching You" about the kid wanting to be like his dad stuck in my head for almost a week. I wake up in the middle of the night singing that fucking song. It's terrible.
At February 1, 2007 at 5:10 PM ,
Nev said...
Um, yeah so that post didn't make as much sense as it did in my head last night. It's amazing what a little crown'll do to your thinkin. The second guy is definitely not into me--he's dating one of the girls here.
I drove my sister insane the other day singin, "Couldn't have his toy till his nuggets were gawww-oone." And now that I've read your comment I have that song stuck in my head again. Thanks bunches there. It's an awesome song and I love it (sarcasm to the nth degree....yes I just said 'nth degree' I'm a total nerd).
At February 1, 2007 at 6:34 PM ,
yosh said...
That made me laugh because I forgot about the nuggets part. Damn that song is bad.
At February 2, 2007 at 5:56 PM ,
Nev said...
I agree. That is one of the worst songs ever.
How you doin?
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